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Accidentally Deutsch

Understanding the Meaning of "Accidentally"

English Definition and Usage

The word "accidentally" is an adverb that refers to an occurrence that happens without intention or planning. It can be used to describe both positive and negative events, but is more commonly associated with unfortunate or unintended consequences.

When describing negative events, "accidentally" implies that the outcome was not foreseen or desired. For example, "I accidentally dropped the vase and broke it." In such cases, it can convey a sense of regret or remorse for the unintentional action.

German Translation and Usage

"Zufällig" is the German equivalent of "accidentally." It also functions as an adverb and shares the meaning of an unplanned or unintended occurrence. Like its English counterpart, "zufällig" can be used in both positive and negative contextos, but is typically associated with negative consequences.

For example, "Ich habe die Vase aus Versehen fallengelassen und zerbrochen." This German phrase conveys the same unintentional nature of the action as its English equivalent.

Examples of Usage

Here are some examples of how "accidentally" can be used in English and German sentences:

* English: I accidentally left my keys in the car. * German: Ich habe aus Versehen meine Schlüssel im Auto gelassen. * English: The child accidentally spilled her drink on the carpet. * German: Das Kind hat aus Versehen sein Getränk auf den Teppich verschüttet. * English: We accidentally ran into an old friend at the store. * German: Wir sind aus Versehen im Laden auf einen alten Freund gestoßen.


Understanding the meaning of "accidentally" in both English and German is essential for effective communication. By using the correct word and understanding its nuances, speakers can accurately describe events that happen without intention or planning.


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